Answer :
The variety of traits may cause the species of ladybugs to divert. Over time, if certain ladybugs were more adept at surviving on a certain plant or a different place, those ladybugs might survive, while others don't.
Another example is internal traits. For example, if pesticides that killed ladybugs were sprayed and there were some ladybugs that were resistant to it, more of those ladybugs would survive to reproduce.
Another impact could be the physical characteristics of the species. For example if there were yellow ladybugs and red ladybugs, and birds could see the yellow ladybugs better, since birds are predators of ladybugs, they could eat more of the red ladybugs. As a result, more red ladybugs would survive to pass on the gene that makes them red colored.
These are some examples. Hope this helps!