Everyman:hamlet: death: lord, i will in the world go run over all, and cruelly outsearch both great and small; every man will i beset that liveth beastly out of god's laws, and dreadeth not folly: he that loveth riches i will strike with my dart, his sight to blind, and from heaven to depart how are death and claudius similar? how are death and claudius different? how does the portrayal of these characters relate to the development of english drama?

Answer :

The line that says "In worldly riches is all their mind: They fear not my righteousness, the sharp rod" because "worldly riches" refers to material gain.

Instead of worrying about their duties to God and what they would experience after death, they are more concerned with filling their lives with material, earthly pleasures.

Everyman is an allegorical drama that serves as a morality play, teaching viewers a lesson about how Christians should live and what they need to do to be saved

In essence, a morality play is an acted-out sermon. Characters in a conventional morality play might be personifications of virtues (like generosity and hope) or vices (like pride and laziness), or other traits, or they might be personifications of things (like money or activities) (such as death or fellowship). As they do in Everyman, God and angels might also play characters.

Learn more about Everyman https://brainly.com/question/4562581