what were the direct precursors to states that had privileged and effective leaders but did not have the sharp class divisions that characterize states

Answer :

Chiefdoms were the direct precursors to states that had privileged and effective leaders but did not have the sharp class divisions that characterize states.

  • A chiefdom is a type of hierarchical political system in non-industrial civilizations that is typically based on kinship and in which formal authority is monopolized by legitimate senior members of select families or 'houses.' In comparison to the broader population, these elites constitute a political-ideological aristocracy.
  • In anthropology, a chiefdom is a theoretical form of sociopolitical organization in which a single person (or group of people) wields political and economic control over multiple villages.
  • The Trobriand and Tongan Islanders of the Pacific, the Maori of New Zealand, the ancient Olmec of Mexico (only known archaeologically), the Natchez of the Mississippi Valley, the Kwakwaka'wakw of British Columbia, and the Zulu and Ashanti of Africa are all examples of chiefdoms.

Thus this is the meaning of Chiefdoms.

Refer here to learn more about Chiefdoms: https://brainly.com/question/28885239