Answer :
Parkinson's disease is most known for its distinctive motor symptoms, which include slow walking, difficulty stepping into and out of chairs, and slow hand tremors.
Parkinson's disease is a progressive ailment that affects the neurological system and the nerve-controlled areas of the body. The symptoms appear gradually. The initial sign could be a little tremor in only one hand. While tremors are common, the condition can cause stiffness or slowness of movement.
In the early stages of Parkinson's disease, your face could also be expressionless. Your speech may become slurred or soft. paralysis agitans symptoms worsen as the disease progresses.
Parkinson's disease symptoms and signs may vary from individual to individual. Early symptoms are often vague and go unnoticed.
Parkinson's symptoms and indicators may include:
Tremor: A tremor, also referred to as rhythmic shaking, generally originates during a limb, most ordinarily your hand or fingers. Your hand may tremble when at rest. once you are undertaking chores, the shaking may subside.
Slowing of movement (bradykinesia): paralysis agitans can decrease your flexibility over time, making simple tasks harder and time-consuming. Getting out of a chair could be difficult. Your feet may drag or shuffle as you are trying to walk.
Muscle stiffness can occur anywhere on the body. It is often painful and limits your range of motion.
Poor posture and balance: Your posture might become hunched. you'll also fall or experience balance issues due to Parkinson's disease.
Automatic motions are lost: you'll have a reduced capacity to conduct unconscious motions while walking, like blinking, smiling, or swinging your arms.
Speech evolves: you'll speak quietly, fast, slur, or pause before speaking. Your speech could also be monotonous rather than having typical speech patterns.
Writing evolves: Writing may become difficult, and your writing could seem little.
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