explain how businesses use value chains swot analysis to identify electronic commerce opportunities.

Answer :

SWOT provides a frame-work for analysis of the inte-rnal and external bus-iness environ-ment. The value chain is ano-ther frame-work for business analysis. The value chain is a comp-any's process for creat-ing the “value” that's offer-ed to customers.

SWOT refe-rs to strengths, weak-nesses, opportunities and threats. This ana-lysis generates a list of what an organ-ization does best and worst. It also defines areas for improve-ment and potential threats in the market-place.

Value chains in eCommerce facili-tate the analysis of all operations invo-lved in the production of a pro-duct or service, as well as the identifi-cation of cost-cutting and different-iation. You can stream-line efforts, remove waste, and bo-ost profits by usi-ng a value chain.

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