the process of redrawing congressional districts to match population shifts in states with more than one representative is called:

Answer :

The process of redraw-ing congress-ional districts to match pop-ulation shifts in states with more than one represent-ative is called redistricting.

What is redistricting?

Redistricting is the way we cha-nge the districts that deter-mine who repre-sents us. Every mem-ber of the U.S. House of Represent-atives, most of our state legis-lators, and many of our local legis-lators in towns and coun-ties are elected from distr-icts.

These districts div-ide states and the peo-ple who live there into geo-graphical territ-ories. Districts are occasion-ally the same si-ze as the whole jurisd-iction: members of a local sch-ool board, for exam-ple, may each be elect-ed from an area with the sa-me bound-aries as the over-all school district the board gov-erns.

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