Answer :
In the ca-se of dissociative identity disorder, pati-ents who are able to integ-rate their person-alities are, more likely to remain relative-ly free from the symp-toms and reduce med-ication.
What is dissociative identity disorder?
Dissociative identity dis-order (DID) is a men-tal health cond-ition. Some-one with DID has mult-iple, distinct person-alities. The various ident-ities control a person's beha-vior at differ-ent times. The conditi-on can cause mem-ory loss, delu-sions or depres-sion. DID is usua-lly cause-d by past tra-uma.
The main symp-toms are Memory loss (amnesia) of cer-tain time periods, events, peo-ple and pers-onal info-rmation. A sense of be-ing deta-ched from your-self and your emo-tions.
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