a bear accidentally carries the seeds of a weedy plant in its fur. transporting the seeds neither helps nor harms the bear, but it is beneficial to the plant. this is an example of a(n):

Answer :

This example is an example of a symbiotic relationship between living things and their environment. This symbiotic relationship is called commensalism symbiosis.

Relationship between living things and their enviroment

  • Commensalism symbiosis is a relationship between living things and their environment, where one party benefits and the other does not feel disadvantaged.
  • Other symbiotic relationships that include the relationship of living things to their environment are parasitism symbiosis and mutualism symbiosis.
  • Mutualism symbiosis is a relationship in which both parties feel that they benefit from each other. Some examples of this relationship are the relationship between insects and flowering plants, plants and worms, and fungi and algae.
  • Parasitism symbiosis is a relationship in which only one party benefits. One example of this relationship is the parasite that lives on the host tree.

Learn more

Material about symbiotic relationship here: brainly.com/question/2622358