I'm confused on greater than and less than with decimals. Help

To compare 6.209 and 6.29 you have to look at the hundredths place. Given that 0 is less than 9, then 6.209 is less than 6.29, or 6.209 < 6.29
To compare 71.6 and 71.63 you have to look at the hundredths place. Notice that 71.6 is equal to 71.60. Given that 0 is less than 3, then 71.6 < 71.63
To compare 0.842 and 0.824 you have to look at the hundredths place. Given that 4 is greater than 2, then 0.842 > 0.824
To compare 0.09 and 0.090, you have to represent 0.09 as 0.090. Then, both numbers are equal, that is, 0.09 = 0.090
To compare 5.31 and 5.13 you have to look at the tenths place. Given that 3 is greater than 1, then 5.31 > 5.13