40% of the population of MWALENI VILLAGE is male. 25% of male population and 30% of female population are under 30.find the total % of the people in MWALENI VILLAGE who are under 30

Answer :

40% of the population of MWALENI VILLAGE is male. 25% of male population and 30% of female population are under 30.find the total % of the people in MWALENI VILLAGE who are under 30​

we have that

40% of the population of MWALENI VILLAGE is male

that means

60% of the population of MWALENI VILLAGE is female (100-40=60%)

25% of male population and 30% of female population are under 30


25% of 40% -----> 0.25*40%=10%


30% of 60% -----> 0.30*60%=18%


total percentage under 30 is
