Express the number in scientific notation 3,570,000,000

Answer :



Since a scientific notation has the format: decimal number * 10 ^ power

Step 1:

You need to convert the number to a decimal number with only 1 number before the dot (here the number is 3)

=> 3. 570 000 000

Step 2:

Count how many numbers there are after the dot and use that number as the exponential power for the 10

(here there is 9 number after the dot ~ 570 000 000)

=> 10^9

Step 3:

Disregard all the 0 that comes after the last number that is different to after the dot (here the last number that isn't a 0 after the dot is 7)

=> 3.57

Step 4:

Put it all togerther

=> 3.57 * 10^9

Important things:

. The scientific number is written with only one number before the dot

. The power of 10 depends on the number of numbers after the dot (including the 0 that you don't need to write afterward)