Destiny and Billy are playing a game with dice destiny rolls the dice 1st and Billy roll's 2nd are these 2 events dependent or independent

We are told that Destiny and Billy are playing a game with dice. Destiny rolls the dice first and Billy rolls second.
Determine whether these two events are dependent or independent.
In an experiment like the one described in this scenario, two events can be dependent if the result of one will affect the result or outcome of the other.
If Destiny rolls first, his result from the dice is about 36 possibilities (that is, the sample space of two dice with faces numbered 1 to 6 each). The moment the dice are handed to Billy, the sample space is the same. That means whatever result Destiny had would not determine what Billy will have. In fact, there is always a chance that Billy rolls the same numbers as Destiny did before him.
In other words, Destiny's result does not affect Billy's result.
Therefore, this game is best described as independent events.