con_PRoPfoT66DjbRthZcZAiBIM2-Q/viewform?hr_submission=ChI2JiQ5uQGEHAIIMKcta4HEgclipmaqaYGEAE Jackie cut 3-yards of ribbon into 6 equal lengths of ribbon. What is the length of each ribbon in yards? B. C. A. 1 2 18 1 6 3 D.2

ConPRoPfoT66DjbRthZcZAiBIM2QviewformhrsubmissionChI2JiQ5uQGEHAIIMKcta4HEgclipmaqaYGEAE Jackie Cut 3yards Of Ribbon Into 6 Equal Lengths Of Ribbon What Is The Le class=

Answer :


We have to divide the length of the ribbon by 6:



Each ribbon has a length of 1/2yd (option A)