SpermatogoniumPrimaryspermatocyteSecondaryspermatocytesMaleMeiosis beginsMelosis]DogoniumPrimaryDocyteSecondaryDocyteFemaleMelosis beginsAbMelosis IPolarbodyEEBRERemember in meiosis, 4 daughter cells are formed. In themale, all four daughter cells will go on to form maturesperm with tails.12. In a female, how many of the 4 cells become the eggor ova?

SpermatogoniumPrimaryspermatocyteSecondaryspermatocytesMaleMeiosis BeginsMelosisDogoniumPrimaryDocyteSecondaryDocyteFemaleMelosis BeginsAbMelosis IPolarbodyEEBR class=

Answer :

Only one of the 4 cells become the egg or ova. Among the 4 cells, only 2 cells with 4 interconnections to become oocytes will continue the process. Among the 2 cells, only one become the ovum. The other cells continue to meiosis but will not be able to complete the process. The rest of the cells will become the nurse cells.