Identify the number of significant figures (sig figs) in each of the values.

0.009: only 1 significant figure, since all zero digits are leading zeros;
0.030: there are 2 significant figures;
140: there are 3 significant figures (a simple way to check is convert this number to the scientific notation keeping the same amount of digits: 1.40 x 10^2);
2000: there are 4 significant figures;
80.30: there are 4 significant figures;
80060: there are 5 significant figures
0.05200: there are 4 significant figures.
The question requires us to identify the numbr of significant figures for each of the following values:
Significant figures or significant digits of a number can be defined as the digits that define the resolution or precision of a number. In other words, the significant figures of a number are the reliable digits necessary to indicate the quantity of something.
There are a few rules to identify the amount of significant digits of a number. We can summarize them as:
- non-zero digits that are in the number are significant;
- zeros between two non-zero digits are significant;
- leading zeros (zeros to the left of the first non-zero digit) are not significant, while zeros to the right of the last non-zero digit in a decimal number are signifcant (for example, 0.005200 -> these zeros are not significant; 0.005200 -> these zeros are significant);
- zeros to the left of the last non-zero digit in an integer number may or may not be significant, depending on the measurement resolution.
Next, let's analyze the numbers given by the question:
0.009: only 1 significant figure, since all zero digits are leading zeros;
0.030: there are 2 significant figures;
140: there are 3 significant figures (a simple way to check is convert this number to the scientific notation keeping the same amount of digits: 1.40 x 10^2);
2000: there are 4 significant figures;
80.30: there are 4 significant figures;
80060: there are 5 significant figures
0.05200: there are 4 significant figures.