Replace * with a digit that allows you to reduce the fraction. If there are two * in thesame fraction, replace them with the same digit. Find all possible values of * in eachfraction.6*2/1*0

Answer :

There are 10 possible digits that we can replace. These are from 0 - 9.

Let's start replacing with 0 first. The fraction will be 602/100 and can be reduced to 301/50.

If we replace * with 1, the fraction will be 612/110 and be reduced to 306/55.

If we replace * with 2, the fraction will be 622/120 and be reduced to 311/60.

If we replace * with 3, the fraction will be 632/130 and be reduced to 316/65.

We can use all the digits from 0 - 9 to replace * and it will allow us to reduce the fraction because the numerator and denominator ends in 2 and 0 respectively.