The lenath of an instant message conversation is normally distributed with a mean of 5 minutes and a standard deviation of .7 minutes. What is the probability that a conversation lasts longer than 6 minutes?

The Lenath Of An Instant Message Conversation Is Normally Distributed With A Mean Of 5 Minutes And A Standard Deviation Of 7 Minutes What Is The Probability Tha class=

Answer :

To solve this problem we can use a z-table. First, we convert our score to a z-score using the following formula:


where mu represents the mean and sigma represents the standard deviation.

Using this formula in our problem, we have:


This z-score represents the position where the phone call is equal to 6 minutes. On a z-table, we're going to find the area between the mean and this z-score, since we want the probability that a conversation lasts longer than 6 minutes, we want the area above it. To calculate this area, we're going to subtract the value given on the z-table from 0.5.

The value on the z-table is:

Then, our probability is:


The answer is 0.077.

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