3. (a) Using a pencil, ruler and a pair of compasses, construct a triangle ABC such d that AB = 5.5 cm, LABC = 90° and ZBAC = 60°. (Marks will be given for clearly drawn construction lines) [4] (b) Using the diagram constructed in part (a), measure the length of AC. [1]

Answer :

To solve this question, follow the steps:

1) Draw the segment AB = 5.5 cm using a ruler.

2) Draw the segment BC knowing that the angle ABC is 90º.

3) Draw the segment AC knowing that the angle BAC is 60º.

4) Connect the segments BC and AC.

5) Measure the length of AC using a ruler.

The triangle can be observed below:

Answer: the length of the segment AC is 11 cm.

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