Answer :
No, the US has not lived up to it's ideals of freedom as envisioned by the founding father. Granted, there are some things that are much better than what the founding fathers have envisioned, but most are much more worse.
One of the benefits is that of "equal rights", in which both genders, as well as every race have access to the same amount of rights (Through the Civil Rights Act of 1964). While the Founding Fathers have envisioned for there to be equal rights, they simply meant equal rights through class, rather than through race and gender. Females and non-whites were still discriminated against being able to vote up until 1870s, when the 15th Amendment was passed, as well as for women, up until 1920, when the 19th Amendment was passed.
However, the US has failed in the upholding the traditional ideals that the US fathers envisioned. Many of them were devout Christians, particularly of the Protestant sect. Religion in today has eroded in it's public influence, and have been limited, whether it was rightful in that certain place and time, or not.
Another failure of the US living up to it's ideal is the left-leaning ideology. Firstly, they attack the freedom of speech (1st Amendment) by limiting the town square and disallowing any dissenting beliefs, creating echo chambers and silencing any oppositions. Secondly, they erode the rights to bear arms (2nd Amendment) by passing restrictive gun control that only affect legal owning gun owners, while also eroding local police authorities and weaponizing the federal government against the political opponents.
There are many ideals of freedom that the US does not live to that is envisioned by the founding fathers, whether or not it is positive or not. Every single freedom that is envisioned by the founding fathers can be seen through history of having been changed or disregarded completely in one part or another of US's history.
Learn more about the US's ideal of freedom, here: - American government and way of life are based on the ideals of freedom and ___.