Consider a line m and a point Q not on the line. Explain how to construct the line through Q parallel to line m.

A. Construct a line a through Q that intersects with line m and is perpendicular to line m. Measure the angle where line m and line a intersect. Use that angle measure to construct a new line that is parallel to line a.
B. Draw a line a through Q that intersects with line m. Measure the angle where line m and line a intersect. Subtract that angle measure from 90 to calculate the measure of the complementary angle. Then use that angle measure to draw a new line that intersects with line a at the same angle.
C. Draw a line a through Q that intersects with line m. Measure the angle where line m and line a intersect. Then use that angle measure to draw a new line that intersects with line a at the same angle.
D. None of the above constructions are correct.