User asks you to develop a program that calculates and then prints interest earned on a bank
balance. Program should print interest earned for the same balance when interest is accumulated
annually, semiannually and quarterly.
Interest earned yearly-balance * rate /100
Interest earned semiannually balance*rate/2/100
Interest earned quarterly= balance*rate/4/100
for annual
for semi annual
for quarterly
00 is Current (1) times resistance (R)

Answer :

The program that calculates and then prints interest earned on a bank balance is given below:

The Program

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

int main()


   double principle = 10000, rate = 5, time = 2;

   /* Calculate compound interest */

   double A = principle * (pow((1 + rate / 100), time));

     double CI = A- principle;

   cout << "Compound interest is " << CI;

   return 0;


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