If you are traveling west toward hong kong from hawaii, when you cross the international date line at noon the day becomes the previous day. True or false

Answer :

It is True, if you are traveling west toward Hong Kong from Hawaii, when you cross the international date line at noon the day becomes the previous day.

The International Date Line is an invisible line on Earth's surface that defines the transition from one day to the next.

The world is split into 24 time zones, with noon being considered as when the sun crosses the meridian, or line of longitude, of any specific place.

But there must be a difference in days somewhere, where a day actually "begins" on the globe. Thus, the international date line is roughly placed at the 180-degree line of longitude, exactly one-half way around the world from Greenwich, England (at 0 degrees longitude).

When you cross the line from east to west, you gain a day. You lose a day if you cross from west to east.

Learn more about Time zones here:
