When sperm and ovum fuse at conception, they produce a zygote that typically has _____ chromosomes

Answer :

When sperm and ovum fuse at conception, they produce a zygote that typically has 46 chromosomes.

The sperm cells and egg cells divide by a process referred to as meiosis. The process of meiosis ensures that crossing over occurs in the chromatids in order for variations to occur. It also ensures that the number of chromosomes in the gamete cells is reduced to half.

This reduction of chromosome number to half at the time of meiosis is important for maintaining the stability of chromosomes in offspring. Hence, as humans have 46 chromosomes in total, the egg cells and the sperm cell will have 23 chromosomes each.

When the sperm and ovum fuse at the time of conception, then the number of chromosomes will be maintained at 46 in the zygote being produced.

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