If the intquantity and decprice variables contain the numbers 3 and 15.75, respectively, the condition if intquantity > 0 andalso intquantity < 10 orelse decprice > 20 will evaluate to ____.

Answer :

The correct option is c. True.

If the intquantity and decprice variables contain the numbers 3 and 15.75, respectively, the condition if intquantity > 0 and also intquantity < 10 or else decprice > 20 will evaluate to "True."

What is C++?

C++ is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language that many consider to be the best for developing large-scale applications.

C++ is a subset of the C programming language. Java is a programming language that is similar to C++ but is optimized for the dispersion of program objects over a such as the Internet.

Now, as per the question, construct a program in C++.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


  int intQuantity = 3;

  int decPrice = 15.75;

    if (intQuantity >0 && intQuantity <10 || decPrice>20){






  return 0;


Because the condition if (intQuantity >0 && intQuantity 10 || decPrice >20) evaluates to true, the output from in this program will be "True." The reason for this is that in programming, the Logical Or (| |) evaluates to true when either or both conditions are met.

Although the condition decPrice>20 is false in the question, the very first condition intQuantity >0 && intQuantity 10 is true, so the OR evaluates to true.

To know more about object-oriented programming (OOP), here



The complete question is -

If the intQuantity and decPrice variables contain the numbers 3 and 15.75, respectively, the condition If intQuantity > 0 And Also intQuantity < 10 OrElse decPrice > 20 will evaluate to ____.



