In what ways were Britain's American colonies affected by events across the Atlantic, and how were their societies taking on a life of their own? (Essay Format)

Answer :

Britain's American colonies were affected by events across the Atlantic in this manner:

  • The standard of living in their territory improved and they began to purchase luxury items. Their society benefitted from the events because they gained access to money-making ventures and they could now patronize British commodities.

How were the American colonies affected by events across the Atlantic?

American colonies who had just moved away from Britain benefitted from the Atlantic slave trade because they experienced a boom in production and movement which had a positive effect on their economy. They were able to purchase luxury commodities like tea from Britain instead of producing their goods by themselves.

In time, the earning power of the average American increased, and the prices of luxury commodities reduced so that they became common goods for the people. So, the general effect of the events on the colonists was an improvement of their lifestyle although the effect dwindled when their ties with Britain became strained.

Learn more about the transatlantic trade here: