Which best describes the relationship between coronary heart disease and smoking?

Answer :

Smoking promotes coronary heart disease by lowering good cholesterol.

The one number you want to be high is your HDL ("good" cholesterol) level (ideally 60 above ). Your LDL ("bad" cholesterol") level needs to be under 100.

How is the cardiovascular system impacted by smoking?

  • Smoking makes blood vessels more likely to develop plaque.
  • When arteries that provide blood to the heart muscle are clogged with clots or constricted by plaque, coronary heart disease results.
  • Smoke from cigarettes contains chemicals that make blood thicken and clot in veins and arteries.
  • Even if you don't smoke, you might still be at risk for cardiovascular disease and mortality because smoking is a primary cause of these conditions.
  • Non-smokers who are often exposed to secondhand smoke have a 25–30% higher risk of coronary heart disease than non-exposed individuals.

To learn more about the cardiovascular system, refer to:
