Answer :
All life is a result of a common ancestor that passed on both its genes and the means for employing them to its offspring. Therefore, DNA is crucial for the study of evolution.
The degree of genetic variation between two species indicates how different they are from one another and, in turn, how intimately or related in some way they are. The average genetic difference between individuals in modern humans is quite small—about 0.1%—whereas research on the chimpanzee genome's similar regions shows a difference of roughly 1.2%. A close relative of chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), the bonobo (Pan paniscus) differs from humans in the same ways. Another African ape, gorillas, share a 1.6% DNA difference with humans. Most crucially, all three species—chimpanzees, bonobos, and humans—display the same degree of differentiation from gorillas. The orangutan, an Asian giant ape, is 3.1% different from us and the African apes. What are the monkeys like? For instance, the DNA of all great apes and humans differs from that of rhesus monkeys by around 7%. Geneticists have developed a number of methods for estimating the percentages, which produce a range of results regarding the degree of similarity between chimps and humans. For instance, only changes in the fundamental components of the genes that chimpanzees and humans share are measured when determining the 1.2% chimp-human difference.
Learn more about DNA