Answer :
Atomic # / Symbol / Name / Melting Point (ºC) / Boiling Point (ºC)
1 / H / Hydrogen / -259.14 / -252.87
2 / N / Nitrogen / -209.86 / -195.8.
3 / NH3 / Compound Ammonia / -77.7 / -33.3
For Hydrogen, the Melting point is -259.14, while for the Nitrogen it's -209.86. And the boiling point for Hydrogen is -252.87, while for the Nitrogen it's -195.8. The difference is that Hydrogen has less temperature in melting and boiling points, while Nitrogen has more. And for the Ammonia, this one has the most temperature, being at -77.7 degrees celsius for melting point, which is -107.9°F, and being at -33.3 degrees celsius, which is -28.01°F