can someone answer this quickly.

Can Someone Answer This Quickly class=

Answer :

Some verbs of the category O - U are: Acuesto y recuerdo; On the other hand, some verbs in category E are: Entiendo y cierro.

How to classify verbs?

To classify verbs, we must take into account the modifications that are made to them in order to conjugate them in the present tense for the first person subject.

According to the above, they should be classified as follows:


  • Entender - Entiendo
  • Cerrar - Cierro
  • Jugar - Juego
  • Comenzar - Comienzo
  • Pensar - Pienso
  • Perder - Pierdo
  • Empezar - Empiezo
  • Preferir - Prefiero
  • Querer - Quiero

O - U

  • Acostar - Acuesto
  • Recordar - Recuerdo
  • Volver - Vuelvo
  • Devolver - Devuelvo
  • Dormir - Duermo
  • Poder - Puedo
  • Encontrar - Encuentro

According to the previous examples, the trend of modifying verbs can be identified due to the fact that some have their vowel O modified by U and others have their vowel modified by an E.

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