Who should have been judged - the individuals who gave orders, the people who carried them out, or the people who allowed the atrocities to occur?

Answer :

Following the conclusion of the first Nuremberg trials in October 1946, the United States held 12 additional trials at Nuremberg under the authority of the International Military Tribunal. Those put on trial included-

  • 26 top military leaders; 56 high-ranking SS and other police officers, including 24 leaders of the Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing units) and key officials in Heinrich Himmler’s central office, which supervised the concentration camps and the extermination program;
  • 23 doctors who participated in the Nazi medical killing program that targeted mentally and physically disabled people and conducted experiments on camp prisoners; and
  • 14 officials of other Nazi organizations that engaged in racial persecution.

To know more about Nuremberg trials here
