What cell type in sponges is responsible for producing the water current through the sponge?

Answer :

Choanocytes is the cell type that is responsible for water current for the sponge.

  • Sponges are unusual animals in that they lack definite organs to carry out their various functions. The most important structure is the system of canals and chambers, called a water-current system, through which water circulates to bring food and oxygen to the sponge. The water-current system also helps disperse gametes and larvae and remove wastes.
  • The essential elements of the water-current system include the pores, or ostia, through which water enters the sponge (incurrent system).
  • the choanocytes, or collar cells, which are flagellated cells that generate water currents and capture food; and the oscula, openings through which water is expelled (excurrent system).

To know more about collar cells click here
