3. Which objects or ideas was the author most likely writing about that
represented continuity or change in Chinese trade?
(A) Silver, gems, and gold went from Europe to China; wool, horses,
and the ideas of Islam went from China to Europe
(B) Silk, paper, and Christianity went from Europe to China;
gunpowder, silver, and Buddhism went from China to Europe
Silver, gems, and gold went from Europe to China; silk, paper, and
gunpowder went from China to Europe
(D) Paner and Christinnitu

(Page 82; AMSCO apwh: modern)

Answer :

Paper and Christianity went from Europe to China; silk, gunpowder, horses and wood went from China to Europe. These objects or ideas were the authors most likely writing about that represented continuity or change in Chinese trade.

The vast majority of China's exports are manufactured items, the most significant of which are by far clothes, textiles, and footwear, as well as electrical and electronic apparatus and equipment. Chemicals, energy, and agricultural goods are all important exports.

A considerable number of American jobs are created and supported by trade with China, despite the fact that increasing international trade may destabilize US employment. Over 160,000 people are employed by Chinese enterprises with investments in the US, and exports to China support close to 900,000 US jobs.

Learn more about China here:
