mauryan empire: its decline and significance mauryan empire began to decline after the death of ashoka in 232 bc. the last king was brihadratha was assassinated in 185 bc-183 bc by his general pushyamitra shunga who was a brahmin. the decline of the maurya dynasty was rather rapid after the death of ashoka/asoka. one obvious reason for it was the succession of weak kings. jagran josh jagran josh updated: jul 21, 2015 12:32 ist jagran josh the decline of the maurya dynasty was rather rapid after the death of ashoka/asoka. one obvious reason for it was the succession of weak kings. another immediate cause was the partition of the empire into two. had not the partition taken place, the greek invasions could have been held back giving a chance to the mauryas to re-establish some degree of their previous power. mauryan empire began to decline after the death of ashoka in 232 bc. the last king was brihadratha was assassinated by his general pushyamitra shunga who was a brahmin.

Answer :

Chandragupta Maurya established the Maurya Empire, also known as the Mauryan Empire, in South Asia during the ancient Indian Iron Age in 322 BCE. The empire lasted until 185 BCE in a loosely organized form.

How to explain the Mauryan empire?

The Mauryan empire was an effective and well-run autocrat with a civil service and a standing army. The Artha-shastra (The Science of Material Gain), a work of political economy akin in style and scope to Niccol Machiavelli's The Prince, was inspired by that bureaucracy and how it operated.

It should be noted that Chandragupta Maurya established the Maurya Empire, also known as the Mauryan Empire, in South Asia during the ancient Indian Iron Age.

Pushyamitra Shunga eventually brought an end to the Maurya empire in 185 BC. He was a general under Brihadratha, the final Mauryan emperor, despite being a brahmana. He is supposed to have stolen the throne of Pataliputra by force and murdered Brihadratha in front of everyone.

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