What problems might face a company that focuses mainly on its most profitable customers?

Answer :

Although the customer is unquestionably the cornerstone to a successful organization, client centricity has several drawbacks, ranging from financial to innovation-related areas.

The drawabacks can be listed as:

  • Budget-Cost

Businesses create customer-focused policies in an effort to impress and keep consumers, but doing so can be expensive and may not be financially prudent.

  • Not every customer is equivalent!

Although the customer is always right, not all customers are suitable for your company. So, building just a customer based approach can harm your business.

  • Customers are unsure too!

Many marketers feel that if a company is consumer-focused, it will learn what the clientele truly desires and prosper.

While it's crucial for businesses to pay attention to their customers, they also need to know when to shift their attention away from them.

  • Love the Customer, but Don't Expect Love in Return

According to conventional knowledge, clients are more loyal to companies that go above and beyond their expectations; nonetheless, your customers may betray you in order to get the cheap, satisfying solutions they actually desire.

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