Answer :
Operational balance is reached when the number of vapor molecules that condense into liquid in the condenser equals the number of vapor molecules that the com- pressure pumps into the condenser.
What is the maximum amount of refrigerant that a recovery cylinder should contain?
By law, a tank can only be filled to 80% capacity and must be kept under 122°F. It is recommended to fill to 2 lbs less than the 80%.
For example, a 30 lb cylinder can hold 22 lbs of refrigerant and a 50 lb cylinder can hold 38 lbs of refrigerant.
What does the saturation temperature of the refrigerant in the condenser correspond to?
The saturation temperature of the refrigerant (i.e., the temperature at which the refrigerant changes from a liquid state to vapor.
This is the same as its boiling point. For water at sea level, the saturation temperature is 212°F.
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