Schultze and badzinski suggest, "from a biblical perspective, interpersonal communication is meant to be _____________ as well as ______________. "

Answer :

Schultze and Badzinski suggest, "from a biblical perspective, interpersonal communication is meant to be pleasure as well as effort."

What are the 5 types of pleasure?

  • The pleasures of sense seem to be as follows:
  • The pleasure of intoxication.
  • The pleasures of the organ of smelling.
  • The pleasures of the touch.
  • The simple pleasures of the ear; independent of association.
  • The simple pleasures of the eye; independent of association.
  • The pleasure of the sexual sense.

What does in an effort mean?

The Meaning of “In an Effort to”

“In an effort to” is a phrase that many use to express the process of trying to complete a formidable task with potentially successful results.

The phrase doesn't guarantee that the attempt is always fruitful, but it highlights the trial and exertion of energy.

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