-ess = "female" -less = "without" -ous = "full of" based on the list of suffixes, what is the correct spelling of the word that means "funny"? humorus humoress humorous humorless

Answer :

The correct spelling of the word that means "funny" is humorous.

What do you mean by suffixes?

  • A suffix is an affix that follows the word stem in linguistics.
  • Adjectives, verb endings, and case endings, which designate the grammatical case of nouns and verbs, are typical examples.
  • Suffixes can convey lexical or grammatical information.

Define meaning.

  • A definition is an explanation of what a phrase means.
  • The two main categories of definitions are Intensional definitions and extensional definitions.
  • The class of ostensive definitions, which communicate a term's meaning through citing examples, is another significant classification of definitions.

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