please use the above information to answer the following questions not down the multiples you calculated because they will be used for later questions what is the enterprise value-to-EBIT (Ev/EBIT) multiple

Answer :

The enterprise value-to-EBIT (Ev/EBIT) multiple $225 million.

The EV/EBIT Multiple is the balance between enterprise value (EV) and earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT).

Considered one of the most repeatedly used multiples for comparisons among companies, the EV/EBIT multiple relies on working income as the core driver of valuation.

What is the enterprise value to EBIT EV EBIT multiple?

Enterprise Value to EBIT (EV/EBIT), also called EV Multiple is a ratio used to to value a company and deliver useful comparisons between similar companies. It is used in trading comparable research and uses the EBIT of a company as the driver of its value.

To learn more about EV/EBIT Multiple, refer