Typically, the oxidation of fat to release energy occurs after about ________ minutes of aerobic exercise

Answer :

Typically, the oxidation of fat to release energy occurs after about 15 to 20 minutes of aerobic exercise.

How does oxidation of fat occurs?

  • After about 15 to 20 minutes of aerobic exercise, fats are oxidized in the mitochondria, Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) , peroxisomes.
  • Fat oxidation involves the breakdown of fatty acids.
  • Mainly oxidation of fats is beta- oxidation which occurs in the mitochondria. It is named so because the bond between second (beta) and third carbon breaks.
  • In the peroxisomes, alpha and beta oxidation of fats occur.
  • While in the ER, omega oxidation occurs. It is an alternative to beta oxidation in some animals where omega carbon is oxidized.
  • The rate of fat oxidation depends upon exercise duration, intensity, weight, nutrition.
  • Oxidation of fats provides energy in low intensity exercises by contraction of muscles.

Learn more about oxidation of fats here:
