Answer :
The public health team informs the community that acanthamoeba may be transmitted in trophozoite and encystment stage(s) of its life cycle.
Amoeba belonging to the genus Acanthamoeba are frequently found in soil, freshwater, and other habitats. The metabolically active trophozoite and a dormant, stress-resistant cyst are the two evolutionary forms of Acanthamoeba. Trophozoites are amoeboid-shaped and tiny, often measuring 15 to 25 m in length. Although Acanthamoeba species are naturally free-living bacterivores, in some circumstances they can infect people and other animals, leading to an infection known as acanthamebiasis.
One of the most common protozoa to be discovered in the environment is Acanthamoeba spp. They are found all over the world and have been removed from contact lens cases, dental treatment facilities, hospitals, sewage treatment plants, chlorinated swimming pools, residential tap water, bottled water, and the ocean.
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