Answer :
Lynching was a method of upholding justice and the law on the frontier, a practice that was occasionally required. For instance, rustlers who were protected by local attorneys would be taken aback in their camp and hung before their advocates could intervene. It was quite hit-and-miss, and many innocent individuals perished as a result. It was also used in Canada and Ireland to target informers, quislings, and any other English collaborators. America's reconstruction, a time of oppression and injustice against the south's population, followed the Civil War and contributed significantly to the development of the Ku Klux Klan. They directed their animosity towards the liberated slaves since they were unable to vent their fury on the true sources of their difficulties. Many black people were slain, often in extremely cruel ways, for no apparent cause, even if some of the crimes were actually true. Ida Wells, a former slave who led the crusade against it and published newspapers to stir opposition against the practice, despite the fact that the numbers were not significant compared to knife deaths in London today, the Liberals were outraged by the focused direction and lack of any natural justice.