Find two Advanced Searching tutorials from reputable search engines and watch one each – make sure they are tutorials relating to different search engines.
As you watch, pause the feed after each key point and write the key point in the table below.

Answer :

Boolean Searching

It is possible to create intricate strings of search terms using Boolean operators.You need to use brackets (parenthesis) to make the structure of your search string clear so that the computer knows exactly what to do. Let's keep using our example. We have determined that using "car or cars" is preferable to using the truncation (car*). Additionally, we want to be clear that the term red appears around an automobile or autos. Use the following search term:

"red close to car"

There is a chance that the database will return entries with the phrases "red" and "car" close to one another or with the term "cars" in them; in these cases, the link between red and "cars" may not be present.

Phrase searching

When conducting a phrase search, you enclose two or more terms in double quotation marks ("_").

By using this method, the search is honed to only return results that contain the exact word.

Phrase searching is a technique used in computer science that enables users to retrieve data from information systems (such as files from file storage systems, records from databases, and web pages on the internet) that contains a particular arrangement and combination of words that the user specifies.

Along with Boolean operators (AND, OR, and NOT), truncation and wildcard operators (commonly denoted by the asterisk symbol), field code operators (which look for specific words in defined fields, like the Author field in a periodical database), proximity operators, and phrase search, there are a number of search operators that are standard in search engine technology (which look for defined words that appear close to one another, if not directly next to each other as in a phrase search).

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