Answer :
Imprinting is the brief, critical period after birth for birds and infrahuman animals.
Attachment: a deep emotional connection that develops in the second half of a baby's first year between the caregiver and the youngster. Unstable, conflicted attachment: When their mothers leave, babies frequently cry uncontrollably, and when their mothers return, they behave inconsistently, Sometimes attempting to make touch and other times pushing their moms away.
What is Imprinting?
In psychobiology, imprinting is a type of learning in which a very young animal focuses its attention on the first thing it sees, hears, or touches and then proceeds to pursue that object. In nature, the object is almost always a parent; however, experiments have also employed other animals and inanimate things.
Imprinting has only been extensively researched in birds, particularly chickens, ducks, and geese, but it appears that many mammals, certain fishes, and insects, as well as some newborn mammals, experience a similar type of learning.
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