Answer :
If an offender on probation fails to notify his agent of an address change, this constitutes a(n) revocation of probation. Failure to notify your Probation Officer that your address has changed is a violation of your probation terms. Violations can result in revocation of probation and the terms you agreed to (like a plea to a lesser charge).
More about probation:
Probation is a period of community-based correctional monitoring that is mandated by the court, usually as an alternative to jail. Probation can occasionally be a combination punishment that includes both incarceration and a period of community supervision.
Process to notify address change:
Inform your probation officer that you want to change your address, and provide the new location as well as the names and contact details of anyone else who resides there. To relocate to a new address in a different U.S. Probation District, you need the approval of your probation officer. Failing to inform the same will result in revocation of probation.
Learn more about Probation here: