Richard is homosexual and has been for many years. Ever since high school, he knew that he was gay, although he often wished that he was heterosexual. The fact that Richard is sexually attracted to men and not to women is defined in the text as his sexual ________.

Answer :

Richard is sexually attracted to men and not to women is defined in the text as his sexual orientation.

sexual orientation is the term used to define a person's pattern of emotional, romantic and sexual orientation. Beyond the ability to reproduce, sexuality define how a person is physically related to others.

Sexual Orientation is classified into following categories:

1. Hetrosexual: Attraction to people of opposite sex.

2. Bisexual: Attraction of people of either sex

3. Homosexual: Attraction to people of one own sex.

4. Pansexual: Attraction to people of any gender identity

5. Asexual: Not sexually attracted to other people.