Answer :
We estimate probability mentally by using the representativeness heuristic. We frequently base our judgment on how closely an occurrence resembles an existing mental template when attempting to determine its likelihood.
What is representativeness heuristic?
When attempting to determine whether object A belongs to class B, we often take the representativeness heuristic. To produce this assessment, we frequently overestimate the similarity between the A and B.
Why does representativeness heuristic happen?
Categorization, or the act of putting related items together, plays a significant role in how we see people, animals, and objects. There is a "prototype" inside each category, which is the "average" member of that category who best exemplifies the category as a whole. By comparing something to our category prototype when applying the representativeness heuristic, we automatically assume there must be a relationship between them.
Therefore, given the condition that more people tend to live in California in comparison to Montana, you automatically assume that Mark must be from California rather than from Montana. You do this on the basis of representativeness heuristic.
You may learn more about representativeness heuristic using the following link: