3 The stagnation stage of the life cycle of a resort is often characterized by the increasing cost of public services and the lowering of the ‘quality of life’ for many residents.
Describe this situation from the viewpoint of (i) older residents living in the community, many of whom are ‘incomers’ from industrial cities in other parts of the country and (ii) a well-educated middle class couple with young children, who are staying
in the resort for their main holiday.

Answer :

  • Old age people are incomers can afford to pay for better resorts to live in with and offer better facilities. Thus they would not any will to live with lower quality services and thus they would not prefer to stay at this stage.
  • Since the Middle class couple with their young children cannot afford to pay for very high expensive services, the couple might not recognize the resort to be in the stagnation stage & keep living there for their holiday. Middle class people have to face a lot in every situation, there incomes are limited so in case of inflation they used to suffer.

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