An in-depth look at the climax
Who is the author?
What is the title of your novel or short story?
Who is the protagonist of your novel or short story?
What decision does the protagonist face in the climax?
What does the protagonist decide and what action does the protagonist take because of this decision?
An in-depth look at the falling action
Choose an event, excerpt, or chapter that is part of the falling action of your selected novel or short story. Summarize the event or chapter in two to four sentences.
How does the event, excerpt, or chapter you have selected resolve or begin to resolve the conflict?
How does the event, excerpt, or chapter you have selected show how the protagonist has changed or is changing?
Keep Your Eye on the Character
Complete the following sentences with adjectives to describe the protagonist at each stage of the plot. Use evidence from the story to support your selected adjective.
In the exposition and rising action, the protagonist is (adjective) ______________. This trait is evident when (example from the story) ___________________________.
At the climax, the protagonist is (adjective)____________________ when he / she decides (protagonist’s decision) _______________________________________.
In the falling action, the protagonist is (adjective) ___________________. This trait is evident when (example from the story) _________________________________.