Write about the Lincoln Memorial

Building this memorial was surely the right way to go. There were many people of all ages, ethnicity, and class. All the people gathered at the memorial created a sense of unity although we were all there for different purposes. Many of these people were in high spirits and were enjoying themselves.
While researching and reading about the history of the memorial, I found interesting things that stood out. An example of this was the story behind the structural design. The architecture of the chamber inside the memorial means something itself. Different stones from different states were used in the creation of the chamber. According to the “DC Pages”, “The terrace walls and lower steps consisted of granite blocks from Massachusetts, the upper steps, outside front wall, and columns contained marble blocks from Colorado-the interior walls and columns were Indiana limestone, the floor was pink marble from Tennessee-the ceiling tiles were made up of Alabama marble, and the Lincoln statue encompassed 28 pieces of marble from Georgia”.