Answer :
The external conflict complicates the characters from the outside world, they impact the internal environment in a big space. The supported references are given below kindly follow through.
How does the external conflict with the characters?
2a. The Monkey King-
Using Kung Fu to overcome the gods is an example of external conflict for the Monkey King. He does this to prove to the gods (and himself) that he isn't merely a monkey, further compounding his internal turmoil.
2b. Jin Wang -
Jin Wang's peers are his external conflict. They constantly make racist remarks to him, indicating that he feeds dogs, claiming that he has only recently relocated from China, calling him slurs, mispronouncing his name, and even threatening to beat him up if he does not perform things for them.
This exacerbates his internal conflict by making him even more ashamed of his heritage, reinforcing his unwillingness to accept himself as an Asian American.
2C. Danny:
Chin-Kee is Danny's external struggle. Chin-Kee does a variety of uncomfortable and stereotyped actions throughout the novel, such as shouting out the answers in class, making sexual comments about a girl's chest, and peeing in the Coke can.
This adds to Danny's internal conflict because he is afraid that his peers would notice his cousin's behavior and judge him.
Check out the link below to learn more about external conflicts;